Vice President of Expansion, Fantastic Franchise

Valeri Kozarev is Vice President of Expansion at Fantastic Services. He finds the most
suitable people and helps them build a sustainable business and secure their future in these
uncertain times. For the last two years, Valeri helped more than 20 people start their own
franchise businesses.

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book session with VALERI KOZAREV

All Sessions by VALERI KOZAREV

Day 3 - November 18, 2021

2:00 pm-3:00 pm

Why (not) a franchise?

Get a job in management, they said, it will be exciting! But what no one tells you is that there’s a thin line between excitement and burnout. If you’ve worked as a middle- or a senior-level manager for some time now, you probably feel stuck in your life and career.
You feel the urge for change. And if you have this entrepreneurial spark in you, you’re probably thinking of starting your own business, but you don't know where to begin, and you’re afraid of failing.

Or maybe you run a small business, but things aren’t exactly as you imagined them to be. Do you fight everyday battles with marketing? Is the operational work taking all of your time and personal life? And your clients... are they never enough to reach the revenue you aim for?

You’re stuck, looking for inspiration, a new chance to make things right, and start living the life you deserve!

For over 22,000 people in the UK, this chance was franchising. But why franchising?

Or why not?

99% of the people who consider investing in a franchise don’t go for it. Statistically speaking (and nothing personal intended), it’s almost certain you won’t join a franchise either.

Even if you’re tired of working for someone else’s dream and the “Become your own boss!” slogans sound pretty attractive, when the time to make a decision comes, fear, doubt, and disbelief kick into high gear.

But let me tell you about this tiny, almost insignificant, one per cent… the one per cent that makes a firm commitment to put the past in the past and alter the future. You might even recognise yourself in it.

The odds are one in a hundred, but hey, I’m an optimist.

Are you?


VIP Hall 1
November 18, 2021

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Session's from Nov 2021

Our Speaker's Guest


Christina Koleva

PR Manager


Jenny Farenden

Franchise Marketing Director , Fantastic Services


Teodora Zhelyazkova

Junior Marketing Specialist , Fantastic Services


Jenny Farenden

Franchise Marketing Director , Fantastic Services


Tsvetan Kanev

Marketing , Fantastic Services


Marin Stoyanov



Jenny Farenden

Franchise Marketing Director , Fantastic Services


Jenny Farenden

Franchise Marketing Director , Fantastic Services

Valeri Kozarev

Vice President , Fantastic Services

Paul Doherty

Director , Hire a Hubby


Georgi Georgiev

VP of Expansion , Fantastic services


James Traynor

Business Development Specialist , Fantastic Services


Georgi Georgiev

VP of Expansion , Fantastic services

Paul Doherty

Director , Hire a Hubby