MD, Skills for Business Training Ltd

Steve Jones is a well known business coach, public speaker, trainer and consultant. Steve has worked at management level for two of the fastest growth businesses in the UK and brings this wealth of experience and knowledge with him in all he does. Steve is an expert at creating ideas and strategies that build businesses, drive revenue and improve business position & performance. He has a passion for making companies and their products the best in their product category. Steve’s unique understanding of leadership and management, team building and motivation in business, coupled with his understanding, drive and enthusiasm, clearly set him aside as an expert

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book session with STEVE JONES

All Sessions by STEVE JONES

Day 1 - February 9, 2023

12:00 pm-12:15 pm

Unlocking the Secrets of Motivation

What is your biggest business expense after your capital investment? Your Staff! How motivated are your staff? How motivated are you? Motivation is a word often used but seldom understood and remains to this day one of the biggest challenges to business owners, both personally and with staff. By the end of this talk you will discover:
- Three areas business need to focus on for success
- How to Describe, Measure, Monitor and Maximize motivation for yourself, your staff and your business.
- The 4 types of people that sit in your business - how to identify them and what to do!
- The 9 reasons people get out of bed to go to work – it’s not just money!
- How to implement ‘inexpensive’ reward strategies!
- An appraisal tool that aligns personal motivation with business motivation


Seminar Hall
February 9, 2023

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