Director, Invictus group

I’m an insolvency expert with 25 years’ experience and am a soon to qualify Financial Adviser (February 2023) looking to specialise in achieving tax efficient incomes for high-net-worth clients. My career has been a colourful one with 25 years’ operating at the sharp end of business recovery and insolvency supporting directors and persons with large debt levels. During my career I’ve also set up/ran lead generation platforms. I would describe myself as client focused and I always want what's best for my clients. After 20 plus years practicing insolvency, during the pandemic, I, like many others, had time to reflect and decide the next route for my future hence my decision to qualify as an IFA

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book session with SEAN KIANI

All Sessions by SEAN KIANI

Day 1 - February 15, 2023

11:30 am-11:45 am

Navigating the Challenges and Obstacles that lay ahead

An experienced professional that is going to be speaking about navigating the road ahead for business owners wanting the best positioning for their working/business structure. With 25 years of Business Recovery and Insolvency background Sean has retrained as an independent financial advisor specialising in tax efficient incomes in retirement and how to get the most out of your structure. Sean will be providing a motivational speech on "The facts of Life" when it comes to dealing and managing encounters that business owners may not be prepared for. How to minimalise risk and manage and retain control in a turbulent financial economy.


Seminar Hall
February 15, 2023

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