Breakthrough Business Coach, University of Central Florida

Robert is a business breakthrough and strategy coach, helping struggling small to medium business owner/operators become profitable owners. Robert has been a volunteer business mentor with the Women's Business Center at Florida Institute of Technology's WeVenture Ignite360 program for the past 5 years and has a Masters in Business Administration from the University of Central Florida, and a post graduate degree in Nonprofit Management from the American Public University System. His experience has helped dozens of small and medium sized business owners break through the mindset and limitations of an owner/operator's self created job to one of business ownership. With this transformation comes a deeper understanding of business analysis and leadership skills appropriate for successfully exiting your business.

Robert has worked in business process automation, electronic document management and systems engineering over most of his 25+ year career and has a unique perspective and collection of tools for helping his clients succeed.

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book session with ROBERT GREEN MBA

All Sessions by ROBERT GREEN MBA

Day 3 - November 18, 2021

11:00 am-12:00 pm

From Struggling Owner/Operator to Profitable Owner

In this talk, Robert will share 4 shifts that a struggling owner/operator must make to realize their dream of business ownership and successful exit.

Separating Yourself From Your Business
The 3 Levers (Time, Treasure, and Talent)
Strategic Awareness
Business Analysis


VIP Hall 1
November 18, 2021

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Our Speaker's Guest


Khunt Dhruvil