MD, Green Plane

* Serial entrepreneur
* Angel investor
* Non Exec Director
* Abundance of expertise in:
* Software,
* Sales, Marketing
* Sales & Marketing Consulting

Whilst working as a consultant for many companies it was obvious that everyone had collected or created massive data that kept growing but very few companies leveraged this data to make life easier and to leverage data insights whihc could save time, money and effort.

This is where Mikes latest venture Green Plane solves the data overload situation by transforming data into interactive BI (Business Intelligence) Dashboards

Green Pane provides Business Intelligence Interactive Dashboards

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book session with MIKE PALMAN

All Sessions by MIKE PALMAN

Day 1 - July 22, 2021

2:00 pm-3:00 pm

To unlock unknown or overlooked business insights

Helping companies achieve more sales larger order values and increasing the frequency of purchase .


Room 2 -Live Workshop
July 22, 2021

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