Founder, Authority Redined

Two things are assured when someone becomes a book author. One is immortality. While this aspect is hard to grasp as a value, it is valuable.

The second, more tangible result of becoming a book author is the extreme value in serving your community.

Digital communities are at the heart of any successful business these days. Yet, the competition is immense. When someone has true value to offer the communities they lead, it is almost required for them to become a book author. A book is the most powerful credential they can offer their followers and peers.

In my work, I help future (and repeat) authors to harness their value when I act as their scribe (aka ghostwriter.) This frees them up to deepen their relationship with an existing community or get one built. In today's democratized system of book publishing, there is no excuse for NOT becoming an author. Yet, the publishers and book support people are almost always misleading.

My future clients may not like what I tell them (because they are being fed false promised by others.) Yet, every single person who has hired me will tell you it was a smart move.

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book session with KATE FRANK

All Sessions by KATE FRANK

Day 1 - November 16, 2021

2:00 pm-5:00 pm

Rocket Fuel for your Digital Community

Engage your digital community with the most highly respected credential of all time.

If you already have followers who respect what you have to tell them, becoming a book author will add rocket fuel to your platform. There are countless ways to get traction in the marketplace as a book author. From asking what your followers want to learn from you at the beginning of the project - to - asking followers to apply for being an ARC (Advance Reader Copy) reader - your followers will be thrilled to be involved.

If you are beginning to build an audience, working with a ghostwriter will allow you to leverage your time and do what is important to your digital business. You can show up with more power - even while your book is being written.

There is a lot to know about being a successful nonfiction book author. Sadly, most people in the publishing industry will lie to you. Get the truth about what it takes and more importantly - learn the BIG WHY you should become a book author.


Live Workshop Hall 1
November 16, 2021

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Our Speaker's Guest



Executive Director , Most EXCELLENT WAY Life Center