Renewal Account Manager, Teradata

Dreamer, Traveler, Vlogger, Toastmaster, magician of positivity, professional with 20 years in IT across businesses globally. Indian born and based in Sweden, I would like to help people by sharing my story about taking on challenges of life while settling in a new country.

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book session with DSILVA SIMSON

All Sessions by DSILVA SIMSON

Day 3 - November 18, 2021

4:30 pm-5:00 pm

Stages of my life

Would like to share the “Stages of My Life” these are not the growing up stages but the actual stages i.e the elevated platforms from which you perform, sing, dance and speak to motivate and entertain audience.

You will hear my story upfront and close direct from me…

World is a stage and we are mere performers and I being just one of them..

Objective is to provide inspiration from my message.


Ted Talk Hall 1
November 18, 2021

Click here for your marketing toolkit to promote your presence at the show
Session's from Nov 2021

Our Speaker's Guest

Vasant Variar

ERP Group Manager , Mphasis India Pvt Ltd