Director, TwoThirds Different

Chris Dillon has been in the marketing industry for nearly 15 years and handled over £2m in client ad spend in the last 12 months alone. Chris will explore how automation can boost your conversion rates and lifetime customer value to see real long term growth in your business!

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book session with CHRIS DILLON

All Sessions by CHRIS DILLON

Day 1 - February 15, 2023

2:30 pm-3:00 pm

Marketing Automation: Why It Is Essential for your Business!

If there are tasks you do for every enquiry that comes in that take time, the chances are you can automate those. Whether it is sending automated emails or WhatsApps in response to enquiries immediately, or scheduling follow ups for the days after, you should be having them running on autopilot. Whether you are encouraging repeat customers, referrals, converting more leads or potential sales, or simply using automation to set up customer files and emails, the talk will open your eyes. Chris will show you how to do that during his keynote seminar. By the end of the session, you'll be able to answer these four questions: What is marketing automation? Why will it make a difference to my business? How does it get set up? Where can I implement it? Convert more enquiries and potential customers into sales plus generate more referrals, all automatically, while saving you time on admin!


Keynote Forum
February 15, 2023

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