Owner, The Speechwriter

Brian Jenner is a former journalist turned speechwriter. He became self-employed in 1999. He moved from London to Bournemouth in 2004. He has written 10 books including The Bohemian who took up Bookkeeping

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book session with BRIAN JENNER

All Sessions by BRIAN JENNER

Day 1 - February 15, 2023

3:00 pm-3:15 pm

How not to forget to pay a £3.7m tax bill: a radical way to think about money in a creative business.

For the first ten years of his self-employed life, Brian Jenner lived from hand to mouth, perpetually in overdraft and in constant fear of the tax man. Then he discovered cloud accounting. The principles that emerged from this new way of keeping records, turned his business on its head. Brian will explain how you can use the same principles to stay solvent and build a successful business


Seminar Hall
February 15, 2023

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