Coach & Senior Consultant, Barbara Burgess Success Coaching

As a Success Coach, Barbara is passionate about enabling people to become their best, most authentic self. Barbara helps people to stop striving to live the ‘right way’ and begin to live their way, to be confident and innovative at work, and to take that confidence home.

All her work is based on two fundamental paradigms: Science and Soul.

“I base everything I do on solid evidence, and spend hours every week reading research to make sure I’m using the best tools and most up-to-date information available, and that they work.”

With a background in Management and Training, Barbara is a qualified Hypnotherapist, Master NLP Practitioner, Mindfulness Instructor, Certified Life Coach, IOEE Business Mentor, author of Awesome Beliefs: Hack your Mind, Change your Life and a speaker and trainer on Belief & Mindset Change, Stress Management, Mind/Body Healing, Success, Leadership, High Performance and Finding the Gift in Adversity and has been a keynote speaker at the National Venus Awards and the Dystonia Society Conference (SW).

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book session with BARBARA BURGESS


Day 1 - November 16, 2021

11:00 am-11:30 am

Climbing Beyond - Conscious Capitalism and Spirituality in the Workplace

Most business excellence models and quality frameworks view ‘business result’ as the ultimate goal. This all-embracing pursuit of economic growth led to all the unsafe workplaces, pollution, urban decay, discrimination, ethical scandals and other social problems. For most of the 20th & early 21st century the evolution of performance management and assessment was driven by ‘command and control’ and mechanistic thinking.

Neo–liberalism has dominated management principles and practices so that the focus has been on individual self-interest with the short-term, narrow focus on maximising profits and the interests of shareholders and owners. This mode of functioning results in socially and environmentally dysfunctional organisations and leads them away from sustainability both as an organisation and within a wider global context.

Challenges, changes and pressures confronting organisations strongly urge for a radical transformation of organisational mission, vision, culture, leadership, management systems and practices, core competences etc. Performance management that promotes learning and development; structural changes which promote collaboration over authoritarian control and competition and the corporate values of right action and just purpose, authenticity, integrity, the pursuit of excellence and service. A new organisational model of virtuous corporate and radical management practices that can attain a balance between internal and external goals.


Ted Talk Hall 1
November 16, 2021

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Session's from Nov 2021

Our Speaker's Guest

Susan Lintell

Artist, illustrator, and chartered marketer

Simson Dsilva

Account Partner for Nordics , Global Leading Cloud Tech Company